Wednesday 1 September 2010

Life Changing Decisions

Now, this is a biggy. Whether it's just me dreaming of ambition or a serious attempt to make something of myself or just another flop because of boredom, I do not know. But I'm feeling a strange sensation that I may have just made the first step to cracking it..

You see, it's been an impossibly long night. I've watched 2 Ashes 2005 tests, a few Doctor Who episodes, a lot of useless YouTube videos and it's still only 5.30am.. I have a few hours left before I start to feel even a bit weary, so I thought to myself, let's see if magic can be found.

UCAS is a service that helps prospective students in everything about their university lives. Most people found out ages ago if they were going to university, and I was a person who thought it wasn't for me. But, this evening, not looking for a particular course, I stumbled across something. Sport & Drama. The two things that, a few years back, were the only things I lived for, all in a single degree in a place a fair way from home in a major English city where the activity will be buzzing. All of a sudden, it sounds perfect. What has just happened?

I've made an enquiry. E-mailing them, hopefully getting a reply soon. Surely it's all too late? The course would start in a few weeks.. How would I get everything sorted? How would I sort things out with work? How would I get the finance and accomodation to make something of myself up there? So many questions, and like I said, what if it's just a rush of blood? A rush of energy to delete this boredom I've felt all night. What if I bottle it? But, surely I have to take a risk? Stop myself from shrinking even more into my shell..

Ha! It doesn't matter now. I've just been told I missed the deadline by 24 hours. Excitement over. Back to boredom. Maybe next year, but by then, I'd have lost all will power..

Never mind.

Cya x


Bolger said...

it is possible to sort it out within a few weeks, im doing it as we speak!

Bolger said...

and i have read the whole thing im just making the point :)