Tuesday 5 October 2010

All On My Own

I feel an unprecedented level of boredom this afternoon and with no prospect of anything happening today, tomorrow, or any other day until I end up going back to what is now known as, 'Hell', on Friday, it didn't take me long to work out what the problem is. I've no one around to do anything with.

It's all well and good doing things on your own, but as is usually the case with most things, you can only entertain yourself for a certain amount of time, [Enter sexual innuendo here]! But, seriously, everyone is at university. Everyone. 2 people I know who aren't and they're both always busy so what am I supposed to do? The answer? Nothing.

Saying that, I may well be driving up to Sunderland tomorrow for their Open Day. All I know is that they offer my course, nothing in huge knowledge about the university but I am just going up there for something to do. It would be useful to have a look around, and if I like it, whoop-de-doo, it's an option.

Nothing else to say I'm afraid. My boredom is perpetual.

Bye x

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