Sunday 17 October 2010

What's In The Suitcase?

Saturday night again. They do seem to come round awfully quickly these days and as I woke up at 9pm, strangely quickly after I had fallen asleep earlier that morning, I was facing the prospect of another night running around after Mr.Cripple and Mr.Grumpy and I woke up with 'that' feeling. The feeling that we were going to have some major problems tonight...

It wasn't nearly as bad as last time. At least this time I had a modicum of common sense and knowledge of what to do in a potentially dangerous situation. It was midnight, I was halfway through returning the amazing amount of Saturday papers that had not been bought. The amount of effort I put putting them out yesterday and no one wanted them! As I was slaving away, a customer said something. Something interesting..

... "Did you know there is a suitcase unattended out there?"

Err, no we didn't and what's more there was no one around to claim it was there's. We were entering 'Suspicious Package' territory and within minutes we had decided that this could be the worst. Better safe than sorry, we thought unanimously.

So, here we were again, shutting the pumps down, closing the shop, but luckily no fitting co-worker or a fire alarm. It seemed ridiculous, the suitcase looked so innocent and it seemed stupid that we were closing everything for the case of a single bag. Even so, the Police turned up and took our find seriously. We stood outside, by the pub, for a whole hour, contemplating whether to get a coffee from inside, before some idiot, drunk, ran in and picked it up... to find it was full of soil.. Our thoughts that it might have been a bomb were halfway there then!

The manager was there by that time, The Goddess Of All Evil, but even she praised us for our swift and very correct response and she left without a bad word being said. We were stupidly behind schedule, but pleased we had done good in the face of potential adversity!

The rest of the night passed without much hassle, unless you count the AMAZING amount of Sunday papers I had to put out.. Seriously, 116 News of the World's alone along with their supplements and 80 odd Sunday Mails and Sunday Times plus numerous other papers and their magazines, it was back-breaking. I got home at 7am, an hour after I was supposed to, and I doubt I'll get paid for it... I'll probably have to do it next week aswell! Dear me..

Still, football in an hour, and I'm a little more up for it than I have been the last couple of weeks, but that doesn't mean a lot. I still can't be bothered, but it's a feeling I'm now used to. One more, busy, shift before the holy grail of 4 days off rears it's beautiful head once more..

For now though, Cya x

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