Tuesday 12 October 2010

This Ungodly Hour

To be honest, I was struggling to think of a good subject for tonight's blog, but looking at the lives of others, (a.k.a Facebook Stalking), I have found out a few interesting things.

It's almost 5am. Most people are asleep. As we've already established, I am not, and for once I'm in a rather content mood for the time of night. This might be because of a lot of things:

1) There seems to be a lot of people awake for this time of day. 18 apparently, which means I am not the only hedgehog in the UK. Or in Bedford for that matter.

2) I'm listening to a lot of happy songs. I thought as the night gets ever darker and colder, the happier songs will be good for my mental health and also for your eyes, because you won't have to read a lot of drivvle, (made up word..), about my depression. I hope you understand it's good for me to get those things off my chest occasionally though.

And 3) I've just read something interesting. Very interesting. Incredibly interesting.

I'm just thinking about the week ahead. It is going to be a long one, but, again, I seem to be drawing positives out of the situation. Wednesday and Thursday, I'm working with a capable being who is back from her holidays. She may be a bit grumpy, but I'll have good fun in updating her with the Manager's departure and the ridiculous happenings with The Wall. And the weekend, another football match vs some team called Mittens Rangers...

I joke.

Ok, so maybe my week isn't that special, but I'm trying hard hear not to be negative.

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