Tuesday 26 October 2010

Making A Noise

There are positives and negatives with being awake at the nocturnal time of day. The negatives of course are that you are asleep when everyone else is awake and vice versa and asleep when it is warmer and awake when it is bloody freezing! Like tonight! I am under the duvet except for my arms whilst I type this. A cold winter ahead.

The positives though are not so obvious. It's quiet, no one is annoying you with stupid anecdotes or requests and the noise is nothing except for the noise you want to hear. A bit of music and the sound of myself eating food, which is lovely. But noise is something I am quite conscious of. Every time I go downstairs, (which is a fair few times as I easily get the early morning munchies), I try so desperately hard not to make a noise and then inadvertantly step on a creaky floorboard. And seeing as this house is older than Picasso's great-grandfather, that's pretty much all of them. After a few years of doing this, you soon work out where to step on each stair to make the least amount of noise, but when you're in a rush, (why would I be at such a time of day?), then you can easily step on the wrong part...


That makes it sound like there is a mouse under there, which I don't think there is. Yet, earlier, I was in a rush, as a rather drunk friend or 3 reckoned that I would still be awake and they would like to entertain me with their drunken thoughts of a few people, so each time I needed to go outside, in the freezing temperatures, so I wouldn't awake Father Mitten, who tends to get rather annoyed if he is woken up at ridiculous o'clock.

Those were interesting conversations, just in case you were wondering. I wonder how many of you can remember exactly what you said? Even, if you WANT to remember exactly what you said?

Still, it's a rare chance for me to talk to someone this evening as, surprisingly, there aren't many people around this evening. A few late hardcores coming in from a monday night-out, (yep, students), and that's that.

5am now, nearest makes no difference, and it's been OK tonight. Gone quite quickly, had a bit of entertainment, all good. I might go to sleep in a minute and make something of tomorrow where normal people exist.

Or maybe I'll just stick on a film?

In A Bit x

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