Friday 24 December 2010

Bad Vibes

Ohhhhh k ... she did read it. And upon being asked what she'd like for Christmas she retorted, (by text, as I had left the house for work without muttering a word), "Not to matter, because I'm not 6 and will survive without a present". Ouch. Using my own words against me!

I know, I am being a monumental Scrooge at the moment but who can blame me? It's alright if you're sitting at home, keeping warm, playing Happy Families, but if you have to go to Hell every night and put up with drunken and abusive customers or tired and abusive customers, what else can you expect? However, I will stay awake long enough today to go and and scrabble some presents together and hastily wrap them up in time for tomorrow morning, which is just another day let's face it, and I will avoid the embarrassment of not buying anything. Even if I will have to face the pre-assumed happiness that people will have at my "fantastic thought". Sorry, but it's true.

Tonight was, without question, horrible. I got the expected telling off from Bastard Chris for not doing anything on Wednesday night and I did exactly what I said I was going to. Say, "fine", and walk off. Then the whole fiasco by text happened, which made me a little upset, and then around a couple of people declaring their undying love for me, the night went dangerously slow up until 6am where I bought my EuroMillions ticket and fooked off! Was incredibly boring... I can't be bothered to go into detail about the interesting part of that paragraph either. They wouldn't thank me for it..

Besides, I have a grumpy streak to uphold. I'm not doing it on purpose honestly, I just severely dislike this season, even more so because I have to be in Hell during it. The only thing that can improve my currently hazardous mood is if the above EuroMillions ticket brings in over a million quid. Anything else, and I'm still not happy.

There's that 'H' word again...

Just in case I wasn't happy enough aswell, I was warned I may face 4 hours alone at work tomorrow night, because, and I quote, "no-one else can be bothered to work those hours".

Sums up my life doesn't it really!

Cya x

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