Saturday 18 December 2010

Crunch Time

Yesterday evening was a very big few hours for me. Very big. I was vastly bored and struggling with this illness and suddenly it hit me that everyone was back, and were planning to party hard. The pain was hard to bear.

I felt very unwell yesterday. Genuinely, very unwell and I called in sick but called in sick to the one person I didn't want to call in sick to. Chris. The bastard, Chris, who point blankedly dismissed that I was genuinely sick enough to not come in, and told me to anyway.

"If you don't come in, I'm putting it down as AWOL".

I was absolutely incensed. Furious. That is completely against the rule book and I flipped big time. That, with everything else going on, was the last straw. Instantly, I decided that's enough. I'm not even going to bother working my notice, I just won't turn up. Then he can put a genuine 'AWOL' next to my name on the rota. Straight away, I started thinking what I would say to the parents. They would obviously realise that I hadn't left for work so I would have to tell them. I had no choice. I was more confident telling Mum than Dad. I knew Mum would be angry but I feared Dad would actually flip. Mum came upstairs and I told her what I was going to do. Not like last time, where I just did it, and left the rents to find out for themselves. However, the reaction was not good.

"We're back here again aren't we. What is wrong with you, Thomas?!"

When she gets angry, she calls me by my proper name. Thomas. She went more mad than I had expected but I kept calm and fought my corner and kept my own. Dad got involved and strangely, he understood where I was coming from, but urged me to not just give in straight away like I was planning to. I explained to him what I had explained to Mum.

- The manager has rejected my sickness and my notice a couple of weeks ago.
- I am working with an epileptic egid who endangers me beyond reason.
- I'm fed up with working the stupid hours. It's generally killing me.

After a bit more of a discussion, we made a compromise and agreed we would do it properly. I would type out a letter of notice and give it to Chris when I turned up to work that evening. And I would turn up. I did.

Except Chris wasn't there. It was the Goddess of All Evil. Chris had finished at 8pm apparently, so I left it in his tray for him to find when he comes in at 2pm today. I have officially handed in my notice and my last working day will be Sunday 16th January 2011. Mum still isn't happy about it, claiming I will be a layabout doing nothing, and I suppose she's right. But it's better that than my safety being at risk. She said I should take The Wall case to, "higher authorities", but surprisingly, Dad jumped to my defence stating it would all end up in the hands of the store manager, (Bastard Chris), in the end anyway. My decision was made. No more BP.

Ironically, The Wall was off sick and will be all weekend so I was working with a couple of others who were a bit more of a laugh and the chance of them having an epileptic fit were a lot smaller! I feel a bit of a proper illness coming on though...

Ciao x

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