Thursday 30 December 2010

Operation Deposit

Wow. Well... Where do I start? No... seriously. Where do I start?

Erm... I am just sitting here, have been for 10 minutes now, just thinking about where I can start. There have been nights where one or all of us get complertly wasted, (yeah, you read that right), or nights where something so scandalous happens where you're emotions are let out in one big scream at a taxi driver. £8 for a kebab? Really?

But tonight, I just don't know. I really don't know. Ok. Let's make an attempt.

Once again, slightly strangely, the night started fairly early and we got to the Host's house, (same host... it's a party house!), at 8 via that wierd little alcohol shop on Chiltern Avenue as I realised, rather stupidly it seems, that I didn't have enough alcohol. Despite already holding a £10 bottle of my favourite, I decided to get a small bottle of vodka, that genuinely evaporated as soon as I got to the party. It got lost, and I haven't seen it since. A reward of £0 will be awarded if someone finds it.

The night started rather serenely while me and Beddoe looked at each other knowing what the other was thinking. Operation Deposit was under way. For the first hour or 2, we just sat around, attempting and failing to play a drinking version of poker and then Cheat, which didn't last very long as The Host's manic brother nearly broke the table with his ADHD. More on him later.

After me and Kets made a short trip to BP, (I tried to avoid going to work on this night of all nights, but I was forced!), to get some Red Bull so we could make Jaegerbombs, which also got stolen by others. Despicable. Not long after, we made the longer trip to Tesco's to get a whole bunch of things. I decided to take my pint of JD and JD and JD and JD and coke with me, rather stupidly, and had to leave it behind the wheel of the car as we went inside as the security guard stopped me. Probably his only bit of action all night. Not what I can say about others...

Luckily, my drink was a) still there and b) not spiked with anything, (hopefully), and we made out journey back. I had bought some caramel eggs if you're interested, but you're not. Actually, they're still there! Damn, so is my vodka and DAMN! So is my JD! They'll be gone tomorrow!

Apparently, I also love Justin Bieber, according to my upper arm. That'll take some explaining. What will also take some explaining is my text to Mother Mitten stating that, "yes.. i'm fine but I am being digested". The things drink does...

Later on into the night, after a few drinks, *ahem*, we decided to fall down the stairs multiple times, the last time of which I was dragged down by The Host's manic brother, and he also bit my neck in a vampire-esque way before, for no reason whatsoever, punched me in the gentleman's vegetables. No need. KO'd. We'll leave that there.

But all of these, quite frankly, were overshadowed by Operation Deposit. The operation was so successful, that it managed to leak over to 2 others, but I'm not allowed to talk about that...! The 2 I am allowed to talk about are dear Angry Man and the new Chief Waster.

Before I go any further, I would like to thank myself for being an excellent matchmaker in the face of potential adversity and my ability to take a massive gamble that paid dividends. No, it's got nothing to do with me, (well, maybe a bit..), but congratulations to the new couple! I would like to let you know, in the only way I know how, that I am not fussed one bit! Haha! I am very happy for Mr and Mrs Chief Waster. The operation, that started last night in the pub no less, worked!

Ahh, there are so many more things I could talk about, but I would literally be here until I go to university and that feels like a long time away. In other news, away from the party, I am already feeling the pressure from Mother and Father Mitten to find a new job, which, to be completely honest with you, I don't want to for a bit. I want to be a free man for a bit, and even though if I do start job-hunting, it would take some time again, I do want to feel free for a bit first. I have told everyone at BP that I have a job at Ladbrokes, just to shut them up. I do feel a bit embarrassed in leaving there with nowhere to go, but I would like an egid if I told them the truth. So we'll leave it there.

After tonight, the taxi man, (which I DIDN'T make cry this time...), dropped us off sort of near Beddoe's and I invited myself around for a chat about the night's events. We ended up watching Ashes highlights in near silence while examining the facebook for a while, before I decided to call it a night, (or a morning), and walk home. In fact, I ran, nearly slipped over, got stared at by a really wierd randomer, and dropped my golden box of presents before making it home. Lottie, (The Host), had so, so kindly bought everyone a whole host of Christmas presents, (no pun intended!), which was truly amazing! So much thought!

But tonight, so many memories will live on with the help of many, many ridiculous photos which will embarrass many of us in the morning. At the moment though, after experiencing the most ridiculous night since Mitten's records began....

I don't care!

Ciao x

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