Wednesday 8 December 2010

How Long Can You Stay Awake For?

Once again, it seems I have lost a bit of inspiration for this blog. Complaining day in and day out about how bad things have been recently, but it's tough to think or write positively when your head is all screwed up.

Yesterday however, was a good day. Sort of. You see, after staying up all night on Monday night, my plan was to go to sleep at about midday yesterday and stick with the all-nighters until I was back at work tonight, but I got a text from Legend Alex at 7 in the morning. If someone had texted me at that time of the morning last year, they would not have got a reply until the afternoon, but seeing as it was my evening, I read it.

"Need someone desperately 2pm-8pm tonight if you can help".

Hmm. I do enjoy working days more than I do nights and I would be working with people I liked. Will and Grace, (no... not THAT Will and Grace), so I agreed and went to sleep at 7am, ready to awake at 1pm-ish for work. I said I could only work till 6pm aswell, due to... plans. But the sleep... it didn't really happen. I couldn't sleep at all, and when I finally gave up at around 10am, I knew, after already being awake for 12 hours, that I may well end up being famously tired.

Work, in the end, was quite cool. We had a laugh and stood around doing nothing in particular as the day staff always do, (even though they somehow don't have enough time to do everything?), and 6pm came around fairly quickly and I was going home, to execute my plans.

Plans, that I have banned from this blog. Ask, if you can be bothered.

Still. After these special plans, I was clinically dead. 10pm and I was ready to crash out, but I knew I had work tonight, so would need to stay awake for as long as possible. 20 minutes I managed, and gave up at 10.20.

15 hours later, yep, 15 HOURS later, I awoke and went to town not long after. Now, it's 5:40 and basically I still feel tired. I really need to stop sleeping for a stupid amount of hours, because it does nothing but make you feel lethargic. And so, the start of my normal working week starts tonight and I cannot wait for Monday morning already!

I need plans.

Ciao x

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