Wednesday 1 December 2010

Game Over, Please Try Again

Today has been as cold, fruitless and downright boring as yesterday. Saying that, I went to the cinema in the end in Milton Keynes to watch the film, 'Unstoppable', which I wanted to stop as soon as possible. It wasn't great.. So today has been worse than yesterday!

The true subject of this blog today however is UCAS. The website that processes university applications and today, I recieved an e-mail to let me know that my UCAS Track status has changed. Big news. One of my 4 University choices has come to a decision! I logged in, typed my password in and then Windows decided to 'Not Respond'. Great timing Bill Gates...

I logged in again, and waited... then waited some more.... My laptop, despite being relatively new, has become deathly slow the last few weeks, until the screen finally appeared and my eyes drew into the word 'Unsuccessful'. Ouch. My first rejection, albeit from my 4th choice university, (Bournemouth), but it made me think something...

My mind is set on going to university in September. Before this rejection, I was thinking about what it was going to be like and what the course will offer, the new friendships I will make, the antics that will most certainly come with university life, and most importantly, the independance of it all...

But what if I get all rejections? What if no one wants me? What will I do then?

I know it's only one rejection. I know there are 3 other universities still considering my application but all of a sudden, I realise there isn't a lot of doors to open if I get a whole board of rejections. I was 100% set on going to university, not thinking about whether they actually want me, but now... I still want to go, more than ever, but...

What else is there for me to do as a career? I'm certainly not going to be at BP this time next year, 1,000,000,000% no. I did consider The Police before settling on the university option but I know it wouldn't be where I wanted for certain. I really don't know.

However. I will try to put a single rejection out of my mind and remember that there are still 3 more opportunities. All is certainly not lost and you never know, I could get another e-mail tomorrow telling me my 1st choice has accepted me.

Making this post completely useless!

Bye x

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