Friday 10 December 2010

Meeting The Old Team

I feel horrible this morning. A different sort of horrible than I have done the past few weeks, (although those feelings are still there), but I have the most vicious headache imaginable. I'm actually finding it difficult to see this screen because of it, which poses the question of why I am even on my laptop in the first place..

Still, even if it won't be a detailed one, I haven't blogged in a couple of days so, why not. The week so far has been of the 'distinctly average' variety with a few questions answered in my head replaced with so many more questions. If all the answers of life were answered, life would be perfect. It isn't.

I went for a Dominos on Wednesday. Just a garlic pizza bread, that incidentally burnt the top of my mouth. If God was real, why would he allow such a thing? Anyway, I was waiting when an Asian man in a suit stepped in and started looking at the menu. He didn't see me straight away, but I knew exactly who he was, and made for the door instantly. I didn't move fast enough though, and a large shout of, "Tom! How are you my friend?" .... Oh, crap.

Yep, it was my ex-boss. Goes by the name of Moby, he was my old boss back in the days when I was a lettings agent, (about a year ago now... Time goes quickly!), and it's safe to say I don't like him too much. He's probably 3rd on my list of the people I hate, and I left on incredibly bad terms with him. However, despite this, we shook hands, (not that I wanted to), and he started asking questions. "How's your Mum?", in which I replied, "Yeah, not so bad thanks, how's business?" The conversation continued and he then asked what I was doing with myself these days. Yep, I lied. I couldn't tell this man I was working in a petrol garage, what would he think of me? To be honest, I'm not too certain I care too much, but this man seems incredibly powerful. I said I was working with my Dad, whilst completing my university application, (which is half true!) By this point, my order was ready and I shook hands with him again and made to leave. However, he was going out the door aswell and beckoned me in to see everyone else.

Oh great. Now I get to meet the moron who stole my original job and the perfectionist Senior Negotiator. They all asked me the same questions until I told them I had to go, which, to be fair, I did, because I'd have ended up with a parking ticket! It wasn't the best of experiences..

Neither was tonight. I went to work with a horrible headache, much like I do now. Come to think of it, I've just started to feel a bit sick and dizzy. I think I may be coming down with something... Yeah, I'd better get some sleep..

Ciao x

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