Friday 5 February 2010


Today, I had a brainwave. A brainwave based around the good ol' job hunt! I don't know whether I want to be stuck in an office 9 till 5 but it sounds like the safest option. However, I'm the sporty type of person, as you well know, so went down to Connexions, (you know that place that claims to find work for young people..), yeah, I went down there and talked to someone in there, in brief, about becoming a police officer.

Now, a couple of things I would like to tell you. 1) It was 3:50pm at the time and this office closed at 4 so you could tell this person was trying to rush as she wanted to get out on time.. seeing as it's a Friday and all that.. I don't blame her for it, I'd of been exactly the same! And 2) During this brief 10 minute discussion, I discovered that the Police are not recruiting till late 2010. Great. Besides, it was a good brainwave while it lasted.. This Connexions person, (recruitment consultant?), decided to practice anopisthography, (google it), and give me looooads of sheets of paper with a single line of writing on them with different websites on and different places to go etc etc etc etc and so on... Why she couldn't write on a single piece of paper, using both sides, just a long list of websites I do not know.. She's used up many more of our preciouos trees by handing me lots of needless paper... silly woman!

So, I was hurried out of the Connexions office at 3:58pm ready for closing time. Like I've mentioned, I don't blame them. Upon walking out, I saw someone. Well.. I saw a lot of people as it was a busy town centre, but someone stood out from the crowd. Now, I'm not usually the sort of person to practice Colposinquanonia in a busy town centre, (again, google it), but this young lady was something else. Once you google that above word with the ridiculous amount of letters, you'll understand what I mean. She walked on by, however, without a glimpse or a smile so I won't bother being a wierd stalker person.. she may think less of me for it!

As for myself, I've refrained from feeling like Death and All His Friends and have actually felt quite good the last couple of days. Positive? I might go out tonight, but I'm refereeing a couple of games tomorrow with a fairly early start so I may give it a miss. I'll have a wee think about that one. But today hasn't been so bad. Fairly productive. Got out of the house for a reason that isn't a trip to Tesco's or a curry and felt that I am making an effort. And even the rents were pleased I was making an extra special effort! Bonus!

For now though, I must get ready for football training and hope I don't keep like a Walrus with AIDS like I did yesterday.. Have a good weekend if I don't speak to you in a couple of days. I will though. I always do.

Ciao x

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