Tuesday 9 February 2010


Aswell as being one of the best films of all time in my opinion, starring the great Whoopi Goldberg and the late Patrick Swayze, winning an oscar for Whoopi as Best Supporting Actress in 1991, *breathes*, being a ghost is how I can briefly sum up my existance at the moment. I seem to be floating around doing nothing in particular and although I can touch things and am not invisible - sometimes I feel like I may aswell be..

Take today as a prime example. I woke up at 12, took mum to work, dossed about for 5 hours while vaguely looking for work before going to pick mum up again at half 5 and then dossing some more in between eating gammon and chips. Yummy! Although I don't mind it at the moment, after too long, it will get increasingly boring and depressing, (sorry for mentioning the 'D' word..) Just 5 minutes ago also, dear Father dropped by and told me to go and speak to ex-boss man about the week's wages I had supposedly been promised as a compromise. He still hasn't paid it.. Surprise surprise..

I have found a new hobby however. Writing creatively. I have started the new blog about what things annoy me and others, written in the style of Jeremy Clarkson, and I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it. The link to the blog is in a comment I left on the entry before this, if you're interested - which frankly you should be!

I've got 5 a side in a minute. To be fair, I've been looking forward to it all day, which inevitably means it will be rubbish. But I've had nothing else to look forward to so I had no choice but to do so! Again, that makes sense to me.

Not a lot else to say really. I won't waffle for too long this evening. I'm in no mood to and I'm already late!

Ciao x

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